Sunday, March 3, 2019

Steamboat Pirate Ship

The Steamboat Pirates Steamboat Pirate Ship. 

I researched steamboats and came across the most common ones with the paddle wheel in the back. As I continued looking them up, I found some boats with the paddle wheel covered up and almost in the center of the ship's design. I felt that as a pirate ship that it would make more sense to have the paddle wheel in the center of the boat's design and covered up. Simply because it could be easier to defend in case the boat was under attack. It would be easier to guard in the center. As far as structure, I noticed that most steamboats have stacked layers and multiple support beams supporting those layers. Those beams seemed very flimsy to me and easily susceptible if the ship was under attack. I decided to think bulky when creating the final design. In the end, I decided to make the steamboat look like a floating metal diner with wooden decks. I also added the checkered board motif to the side of the cabin.

This is only a few of the drawings that got me to that point. 

Now the Steamboat Pirates are complete and all of the Pirate Gangs are complete. 

The next part of the story is to focus on Steve Silverado and an uncharted volcanic island that he visits.

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